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EMF Meters &
RF Radiation Detectors

Safe and Sound EMF Meters – We Make The Invisible, Visible ®

Safe Living Technologies (SLT) began in 2006, at a time when wireless technology was just beginning to expand, without any caution. SLT understood that this expansion was going to be an issue in regards to our overall health and environment.

Thousands of studies prove that electrosmog has negative biological impact. Considering this, it is in our best interest to minimize exposure to this invisible force as much as possible.

Our wide range of EMF and RF meters will ensure the overall efficacy of your shielding practices; keeping your exposure levels as low as possible in order to optimize your health.

The Safe and Sound EM3 is North America’s first-ever, 3 in 1 pro-consumer-level, professionally accurate and affordable EMF meter.

This EMF meter is built to measure lower frequency electric and magnetic fields; combined into one unit. Developed and Made in North America.

Safe Living Technologies Is BBEC & EMRS Certified

Explore Our EMF Blog!

EMF Exposure CPAP
EMF Protection

EMF Exposure CPAP Machines

EMF Exposure: CPAP Machines Sleeping with a CPAP machine can leave you with many questions about your EMF exposure. There are a few precautions you can take to ensure you are limiting your exposure with your CPAP machine. Mitigating EMF Exposure CPAP Machines To ensure you are attaining an EMF

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New Professional Level EMF and RF Meters

Discover our top selling Safe and Sound meters, EMF protection tools, EMF shielding paint, EMF meters and more!

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I had a free 15 min. consult with Safe Living Tech and found it to be very helpful. I had written down several issues that I needed advice on, and got good, clear, answers.